I do some of my best thinking in the shower. I also do other things.

No, I’m not talking about THAT. That’s a little too much TMI if you ask me. I’m talking about peeing.

Yes, I pee in the shower.

There, I said it. I kind of feel like I’m at a support group meeting for even admitting it. I mean, nice girls like me don’t do it in the shower, let alone write about it. My condition is so repressed that I can’t even write “it.” I have to refer to “it” as “it.”

 But “it” gets a bad rap and I think that it’s time to give “it” the recognition it deserves. I am hereby convening a meeting of the “Pee is Totally Underrated Society.”

 First up on the agenda: The Benefits of Pee

 1. Madonna no longer has athletes foot and neither do I.

 2. It’s sterile. Imagine if you were on a desert island or something.

 3. Cures jelly fish stings. Try it.

 4. If you have a whole bucket, you could put out a fire.

 5. Softens leather right up. Why do you think Febreeze was invented?

 6. Whitens teeth. Add a dollop of toothpaste for taste.

 7. Allows you to mark your territory. Works for dogs, and we’re both mammals.



 Next week’s agenda: Cooking with Pee!



My name isn't really Samantha but I always wished it was. It has a nice ring to it don't you think. Better than Francine. Oops.


  1. Mommy Outside Reply

    Who doesn’t pee in the shower? Seriously. If you say you don’t I don’t believe you.

  2. LOL I honestly don’t do it but I know it’s common. Something about it grosses me out so much. I think it’s more the idea that it can end up splashing and not all goes down the drain, then I have to clean it when I clean the shower. ughhhh just typing that made me literally gag for a moment. I’m a wee bit of a germaphobe and while I know it’s sterile when it comes out, after it sits it’s not anymore. ewww

    I also HATE using showers that aren’t mine as I don’t know how clean they are. That all started when I was in university I think. The showers there were soooo nasty that I wouldn’t even stand in them, I would stand on the ledge and lean in. Yes, I was wearing shower shoes and I still wouldn’t stand in it. LOL Strange to say it but I guess I’m a weirdo because I don’t pee in the shower. haha!

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