Modern communications are fraught with unwritten rules. For many of us, it is a minefield to figure our way through the simplest of human interactions – when using a device or social media that is.

Back in the olden days it was all so much simpler. For instance, I have to hand it to the Victorian era Brits, they had established and well understood social rules. Everybody knew what they were, and although the populace was busy breaking them in the bedroom, they held up the “what what old chappie” in public.

Nowadays it is all so very complex and the rules are unclear. Many people make communication missteps and yet there is no social manual to check. This quick and easy guide will help you figure out some of the ways you may be annoying your friends, and help you not to be “that guy” at work. 

Are you making a caricature of yourself?

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Our Editor-in-Chief Magnolia Ripkin is sort of like your mouthy Aunt who drinks too much and tells you how to run your life, except funny... well mostly funny... like a cold glass of water in the face. She writes a flagrantly offensive blog at Magnolia Ripkin Advice Blog answering pressing questions about business, personal development, parenting, heck even the bedroom isn't safe. She is the Editor in Chief at BluntMoms. Other places to find her: Huffington Post, The Mighty and Modern Loss. You can also check her out in two amazing compendiums of bloggers who are published in “I Just Want To Be Alone.” And most recently, Martinis and Motherhood, Tales of Wonder, Woe and WTF

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